Monday, March 14, 2016

The best way to learn part 2

I have learned a lot about my topic of how to learn things faster. I have found some broad methods such as take breaks, and some more specific methods that focus on different tyes of learning(auditory, visual, etc.). I am having trouble finding multiple methods to test, so I created a survey to fugure out what types of tequniques people are already ulilizing. I shard this link through facebook, and I am continuing to reasearch tequniqes while I wait for results. Once I have results I will then come up with a way to test the methods, and cary out this test to determine which ones are the most effective. Once I have my results, this experement can be aplied to the way a lot of students study.

1 comment:

  1. Taking breaks will definitely help refresh your mind. I really like how you are doing different techniques to build up on what you believe/theorize is the best way to learn. Good Job!!
